Open Water Diver

Diving introductory course


The complete course consists of 3 parts:

THEORY : 5 chapters of theory . This part of the course , is done on-line at your home , with no hurry . You will complete the 5 modules , quizzes and final exam . Once you are at the diving center , we can clarify all your questions . You'll receive the on-line course at home , directly to your private e-mail.

TRAINING DIVES IN OUR POOL. We will start the course in the pool, and we will practice the basic diving skills, from setting up the equipment to clearing the water in your mask without the need to surface. During these dives in the pool , you will achieve the necessary skills to dive in the sea.

4 SEA DIVES + 1 DIVE FREE OF CHARGE AT THE MEDES ISLANDS ( BY BOAT ). During the 5 dives at sea , we'll practice all we have learnt in the pool. The first 4 boatdives , will be done at the Montgrí Coast , and the final boatdive will be at the marine reserve of the Medes Islands .

- Theory and course manual on-line.
- Pool dives.
- 5 boat dives .
- Full equipment during the course .
- dive insurance during the course
- Certification fees

PRE-REQUISITES: Minimum age is 10 . Ability to swim and a Medical Certificate of aptitude to dive that we will send you by e-mail .

MINIMUM DURATION : 4 days ( if you have done the theory on-line ).


This form is a request for non-automatic availability, it´s not a definitive reservation.

We will answer your request via e-mail within approximately 1-3 days. If you need a quicker response, call ( +34 ) 972 75 20 34. Thank you.

Availability request form